Friday, January 01, 2010


Here's drummer boy Brennen Christmas morning on his "new bue deets" as he calls them! All those drums, and he has to play the wall?

Our house just became a little noisier, but I don't mind when he's actually playing his rhythms. He can't quite reach the bass drum pedal from the stool, but he tries it standing up. We are excited to watch him learn more and improve his skills! We cover them with a sheet and put them to sleep when it's time to be quiet. He tells them good night and even covers them himself sometimes when he's done!


Anonymous said...

Great Christmas pics of all of you. Brennan's got quite the personality and some amazing talent!

Pastor Kevin said...

Hey Guys. I need a drummer for a band I'm putting together. What do you think?
Thanks for the Christmas card. We really appreciated the update Caren.
Congratulations Mathew on being an elder. I'm delighted for you and for the great job you are doing with leading worship.
Caren thanks for staying in touch on the blogs. You're the best.
Happy New Year.

Auntie Christy said...

That is sooooooo cute Rodent!! :) your kids are all soooo amazing! How I miss them sooo much!

Love ya! meee