We just arrived home after a fun, quick trip to Seattle. Here are a few pictures of our adventures.
The kids looked cute carrying their backpacks in the airport.
We went to a Thomas and Friends Live show at Key Arena. The kids loved seeing the trains. It was a pretty good show, but the kids would have liked it better if there was more train movement, and a little less people dancing and singing. The stage area was fairly small, and we were kind of far away. But they enjoyed it.

The carousal at the Auburn super mall is a favorite activity when we visit. This was actually our first stop after we arrived on Friday.
Another favorite place is the park by Auntie Christy's house. We had just a few minutes to play before heading to the airport. The kids made sure they went on everything.
Grandma and Grandpa Cooke, who were in Seattle for the Radford's wedding, were on our flight coming home.