Tonight I had my first mother-daughter talk with Meadow. She was unusually hyper tonight while we tried to get her to go to sleep. After Matthew tried for an hour, he asked her where she wanted to sleep, and she said, "no, I just want to talk." But then she was just being silly. So after I tried calming her she started telling me all about her time in the nursery during church. She talked about the kids sitting at the table eating crackers on a napkin and drinking water. Then she said she played with animals, listing many different ones, balls, cars, and trains...which lead her to the problem. Apparently some of the kids had a Thomas train and a Salty train, which Meadow wanted to play with, but "kids say No!" Then I asked her if that made her sad and she said, "kid screamed and cry. Say no." Then either she or the kid "knock down the cars." I couldn't tell who it was she was talking about. Well, after telling me over and over about the kids not letting her play with the trains, she was finally ready to go to sleep. I laid her in bed, and she was asleep within a minute!
I just wanted to write about that. It was amazing! That was the longest, most coherent conversation I've ever had with her! It was cute. She just needed to talk!
9 years ago
She's growing up...
My goodness ... she only just turned two and she already has so much to say! I wonder how many other little ones have lost sleep over what goes on in the nursery!!! It would have been interesting to hear her perspective on what the adult on duty did to handle the knocking down and crying bits. What a precious conversation; I'm so glad you have chronicled it.
Us girls are always the same. Sometimes we just need to talk it out!
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