Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Today Meadow went potty and poop in the toilet! (Sorry if this is too graphic for you!) She's been telling me "poopy" just before she goes for the last few weeks, so I got her a seat. She loves sitting on it and rocking back & forth, but today was the first time she actually went! She seemed a little surprised at the sound it made, but it was otherwise no big deal to her. When I congratulated her, she just looked at me like,"yup, that's what you do here mommy." Hopefully it will continue!


Anonymous said...

WHAT A BIG GIRL!!!!! Good job Meadow, we mommys and daddys get so excited at these things!! Congratulations Caren....keep it up while she's interested!! Just think of only buying one size of diaper and not two!! THAT should motivate you :)

Becky said...

Hooray for Meadow!! She is very smart and very advanced, though we have known that all along. :)

Anonymous said...

She did the same here at our house ... #1 and #2! Our little seat has a duck on it, and it happens to be the very same one Caren (and her sisters) used lo so many years ago ... 30, to be exact! Oh, actually, Caren just turned 30 so she probably used the "potty duck" 29 years ago. Meadow has a good "potty" heritage!

Anonymous said...

ohh Meadow you astound me! :) Way to go there Big Girl! We John's learn quickly don't we :)