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Little Loggy
This cute little guy can be so sweet...and so difficult! He just learned two new words, banana & uh-oh! (which is his favorite). He also can say mama, dada, and bye-bye as he waves. He just got over having Roseola virus, and he's teething, which probably add to his fussiness lately, but the other night was the worst ever! He went to bed just fine, but woke up around 1AM. He screamed and screamed if I laid him down, or if I even laid down while holding him. We tried everything to get him to sleep, but nothing worked! Finally around 2AM Matthew was getting desperate for sleep since he had to be up in 3 hours for a possible double shift, so I resorted to plan Z. I put him in his car seat and went driving! I drove to the ATM at Wells Fargo, and looked back at him thinking he'd surely be asleep, but he looked at me smiling and said, "Uh-Oh!" I told him, "Uh-oh is right! You should be sleeping!!" It actually was cute though. I ended up driving all the way down North Point Higgins and back home when he finally fell asleep! It was after 2:30 when I put him in his bed, and I went to sleep, only to be woken again at 4:00! Then 5 till 6, then 7:30, then 8, when I gave up sleeping and got up. Suddenly he was the happiest little boy playing with toys.
Oh well, he's still a sweetie.
The things we do for our kids!! That story reminds me of when Jaden & I went up to Anchorage to visit Jasen during one of his academies. Jaden was also teething, he screamed for hours in the hotel room, we couldn't do anything with him. Finally we decided to put him in the car and drive. We were well on the way to Seward before deciding to turn wasn't working. I think he finally fell asleep after we got back to the hotel....oh well. This too shall pass!! Did Matthew get any sleep?
Great photo of Logan. I really don't see how such a sweet looking little boy could possibly cause his mom and dad such a hard time.
I bet that was strange to be driving around in the middle of the night! Logan is SO adorable -- he looks a lot like Matthew. I hope you are able to catch up on some sleep. :)
Oh I know the feeling. Tonight so far has been a difficult sleep night but that is only because the upstairs neighbors boy is pounding on the floor (our ceiling) and it keeps waking Emilee up! I am about to go up there and tell them to put the kid to bed. It is almost 10:30 at night. This kid is like 3 years old. Emilee just got over a nasty virus too. It is no fun when they are sick.
Oh Caren!! We've been there too! Driving around in the wee hours thinking this is crazy...but at least they are not crying.
Amazing that those cute little ones are even worth losing sleep over!
Very interersting ... Chris Cooke told me tonight that they used to have to drive Matthew around to get him to go to sleep! Could that be a genetic trait? If it means that Logan is going to be just like his daddy as he grows up that's GREAT news!!!
I am not looking forward to those sleepless nights...Lucky he's so cute!
He is SUCH a cute baby!! My goodness I could just pinch his cheeks all day long! :)
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