Monday, August 18, 2008


Meadow was finally old enough to attend Vacation Bible School! She loved it! Every day she sings the songs that she learned. Her favorites are Lord I Lift Your Name On High, and The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock. Matthew, Tiffany and Krista did a great job leading the songs and stories! There were about 35 kids each day, and 2 got saved on the last day! Meadow sang nice and loud!
She especially liked the craft time.
Brennen Update
Brennen has been learning to stand up! He wants to walk so bad! He's starting to talk too! His first word was grampa! (Mampa) He also can say gramma, mama, dada, bye bye (while waving), and bye bye dada is his first sentence! He says these very clearly and definitely knows what he's saying. He's very sweet. Such a big boy! I can't believe he will be 1 in a month and a half!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


The first week of August was our week of summer. The weather was hot and sunny, perfect for playing in the yard with friends and for the Blueberry Festival! We tried to enter the slug race, but were too late. So we let the slugs practice for next year on an empty race track. Here is Meadow's slug, Rainbow, and Logan's slug, Blue! They would have been good racers!We made a fun water slide!
Brennen has started his own business, Naked Construction.
Logan loves to wear sweaters and hats. It didn't matter that it was 75 degrees out! He put the hat on by himself. (Can you tell?!) He's so cute!