Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Meadow!

Meadow turned 3 on December 10th. She got to have her first kid party! They played stick the tails on the donkey, and didn't even need blindfolds! The tails were everywhere!Meadow got her wish for a cake with "pink sugar frosting" just like Eeyore's party in her Winni the Pooh book. (You can sort of see the cake in the background. I took really rubbish pictures.)
We gave her a bike with training wheels. She practices riding inside the house.
Meadow and Juliet played together.


Anonymous said...

It was a fun party, Meadow. Thanks for inviting me!

the Miller's said...

Happy Birthday Meadow!!

Anonymous said...

Lane says that Meadow looks soooooo pretty! Happy Birthday!